'A modern day journey through the wild western Balkans'

Monday, September 25, 2006

The wanderer...

As i wandered the streets of Sarajevo alone this chilly evening...I realized that life without ones tribe is not really a life at all. I'm not sure it matters how we structure or define our tribe - its the sense of belonging and being understood that matters so much to us.

Then there are freaks like me - who claims to do things 'for the people' when, in fact, doesn't really have a people. He's alone. And he put himself there. Maybe he thought it would be easier to set the stones of revolution in a land where he was just a wanderer. He could fight the good fight without a single sole around. Ranting and raving about how good things could be, 'only if we...'.

But he's always told himself the real revolution is the one which occurs from within. But that he has put on the backburner and now asks himself why. Is the common good above all - even when the commons don't really give a shit (until its too late of course)? Can one work for the common good if he/she is not working on oneself? Can one honestly love others without loving themselves?

So maybe this external revolution is just bullshit. And maybe the evolution of the mind only comes with the warming of the heart. One cannot happen without the other. Not to say his heart is cold - but in a sense towards himself it is. So che continues to peel away the layers of bullshit that he complained about some time ago. And hopes for some peace of mind -- and heart.

Am i the only one who thinks about this stuff?


Blogger Juancho said...

Yeah, fuck those other tribes.

7:40 AM


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