Spring is here
My dear companeros. Spring has arrived in the heartland of the Central Dinaric Alps. And with the melting snows and light rains comes a torrent of anger from pacha mama. Floods are occurring countrywide, thanks to our trusted forestry industry hacking everything in sight - and not in sight - down. But have no fear, for we are initiating an independent environmental task force to rid the country of its ludicrous forestry people. The revolution here is gaining ground, and we have identified sympathizers within the government fortresses. May there always be dissent amongst the political elite. The backstabbers never have enough knives here - but its sort of a welcome automated way to clean house. Spring cleaning is much needed. Get the trimmers out.
Che may be called to Pakistan to help our brothers and sisters begin rebuilding after last years quake. But that in no way effects the revolution. In fact, it will only spread it. I will keep you posted should i be called to serve. Don't tell my mom though, she'll have a heart attack. Just dealing with my resurrection after Bolivia was hard enough for the poor woman, i don't want to put her through more hell. Let her think I'm a postman in Travnik, its better for everyone.
Spring revolution fever has hit Belarus today - as our young take the streets as did the orange revolutionaries in Kiev last year. Thailand too is having a wave of massive protests to oust the president who's family just made a cool, tax free 1.9 billion by selling the telecommunications company to a Singapore state run company. Papua, Ecuador, France...the beat goes on. Unfortunately, my friends in los estados unidos still sit high on their capitalist thrones -- thinking they can't be touched. But the revolution is as much about bringing down capitalist America as it is to rid each country of its puppet elite and return the resources to the people. Beware gringos, your days may be numbered.
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